Kevin Heinze Grow – Volunteering
Founded in 1979, Kevin Heinze Grow has over 40 years of supporting the community with their various programs. Kevin Heinze Grow (KHG) offer therapeutic horticulture programs and services for people of all abilities.
KHG provide the community with a wonderful range of benefits such as growing plants in their own nursery for sale to the public, along with classes that teach horticultural, technical and practical life skills. Targeted towards aiding those with mental or physical disabilities to become actively involved in the garden, KHG offer multiple garden-based programs to benefit people’s health and wellbeing through connection to nature and community. As an NDIS service provider, KHG has a range of programs to suit all needs and has won various awards such as the ‘Most Outstanding Disability Service in Australasia’.
We were first interested in working with KHG as both our organisations believe in the value of gardening as therapeutic for many groups of the population. Look no further than KHG’s mission of providing ‘personal development through the use of therapeutic horticulture principles and our natural environment’.
The team at Plantfulness couldn’t be more excited to become partners and support this amazing initiative, providing tools and equipment generously donated by Cyclone Tools and Kelso for Kevin Heinze Grow volunteers and participants to use in their nursery and programs. We hope this contribution brings years of joy and aids in connecting to nature and community.
If you know someone who would be interested in participating in one of KHG’s programs, or would like to volunteer or take part yourself, visit their website to learn more at www.kevinheinzegrow.org.au